​Providence Management &

​“It helped me release a lot of issues that weighed on my heart and shoulders, all the processes were unique and fit every situation.”
~ comment shared by a participant

We provide confidential trainings and workshops for groups and organizations.

Our programs are cost effective and have shown proven results in decreasing fatigue, anger, anxiety, depression, pain, sleep disturbance and social isolation.

We can also design programs for your specific needs.

Sample Programs:

Outcome Wellness

The stress in the healthcare industry is greater than ever. Keeping pace with treatments, technology and regulation while coping with life and death creates a sustained stress that can lead to burnout and poor patient outcomes.

The Edge

Police, firefighters, emergency personnel ride the waves of chaos and calm day in and day out. The impact is part of the job and sustained stress can become a weight that can overshadow the mission.

(For military and veterans visit: www.FreedomAndHonor.org)

Manager Mornings

The challenge of leading teams of strong, passionate individuals who often mask their own sense of well-being is a critical focus. The apex is creating a supportive team dynamic while “saving the world."